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Annual Meeting


For over 60 years, the SAIC annual meeting has been organized as an International Scientific Meeting hosting more than 1200 people. Its main activity is the dissemination and constructive discussion of original scientific work, presented as Oral Communications or Posters. It also includes Conferences, Symposia, and round tables with national and international leading figures.


At the very beginning, the SAIC tried to join together research work, particularly clinical, but soon after basic researchers in biomedical sciences also found in SAIC a propitious environment to discuss their results.

Nowadays, more than 500 Abstracts (refereed) on more than 15 topics are presented every year related to biomedicine. The scientific evaluation of abstracts is performed anonymously by peer reviewers. The accepted Abstracts are published free of charge in a special issue of the internationally renowned Buenos Aires Medicine Journal, which is indexed in PubMed.


In line with its aim to foster the education and development of new scientists, there are special fees for young investigators, graduates, and undergraduate students. Awards for outstanding scientific work at different levels are also given.


2023 Annual Meeting Website

2023 Congress Scientific Program

Annual Meeting Abstract Books


Courses, Symposia and Workshops


All over the year, Genetics, Ethics, and Education Committees organize courses, symposia, and workshops across the country with national and international guests from different fields.

Every year, around 7 workshops are organized, most of which are free of charge or have low registration fees.




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