Nomination Committee
Mechanism for the election of the vice president
Act 469, November 16th, 2012-Nomination Committee
1. A Nomination Committee (NC) is created: it will be composed of 5 members: the current President and Vice-president, the previous President, and two Full Members of SAIC chosen by a simple majority in the Annual Ordinary Assembly. The NC needs to meet to start the activities by March 15th of every year.
2. The following requirements are proposed to be a candidate for Vice-president: Being a Full member of SAIC in regular situations for at least 5 years, with a renowned scientific track record, who accounts for some experience in society management, and having participated at least once as a member of SAIC Board of Directors.
3. By March 31st of every year, the NC must ask the Full Members of SAIC to present potential candidates for vice president. Self-nominations are accepted. The request as well as the proposals presented will be performed through the administrative secretary of SAIC. June 30th is proposed as the deadline for the reception of proposals.
4. The NC will evaluate the potential candidates and will propose a triad to be considered by the Board of Directors. August 31st is proposed as the deadline for the NC to decide.
5. The Board of Directors will select a candidate for vice president from the triad proposed by the NC. The Board of Directors must spread the name of the potential candidate and the new members of the new Board of Directors before the Annual Ordinary Assembly. October 31st is proposed as the deadline for this stage. The proposed candidate will be submitted to vote at the Annual Ordinary Assembly, which by a simple majority will approve the proposal or present an alternative candidate to be considered by the Assembly.